
04/2023 after so many years it was finally happening! My documentary film JOURNEY TO CURE had its premiere in Bangalore / India on the April 16th. I am very happy. Soon we will have the German premiere in Berlin.

11/2021 after I was pretty busy shooting some series for German TV (Die Kanzlei, Großstadtrevier) over the last two years, I just finished the short film ABKAPSELUNG produced by Varya Popovkina, starring Eva Mattes, Paul-Louis Schopf and Varya Popovkina, which I also co-directed.

11/2020 our film ALPGEISTER won the special price “Dolomiten UNESCO Weltnaturerbe” at the Bolzano Film Festival!

03/2020 We have picture lock with JOURNEY TO CURE! Happy with my editor Lisa Friedhofen:)

02/2020 ALPGEISTER is invited to the Bolzano Film Festival in April 2020 and nominated for the UNESCO Award!

07/2019 Unser Dokumentarfilm ALPGEISTER ist auf Kinotour in Bayern und freut sich über zahlreiche Zuschauer.
UPDATE: Ab 31. Oktober bundesweit in den Kinos!

07/2019 Our documentary film ALPGEISTER is touring through Bavarian cinemas.
UPDATE: From Oct 31st it will run in cinemas all over Germany.
To easily find a show:

07/2019 Endlich sind wir mit unserem Dokumentarfilm JOURNEY TO CURE wieder im Schneideraum. Mit meiner Editorin Lisa Friedhofen im neuen Büro in Kreuzberg. Für mehr Infos:

07/2019 Finally we are back in the editing room with our film JOURNEY TO CURE. Now with editor Lisa Friedhofen in the new office in Kreuzberg. For more info: